Tunertini R18 Carbon, rappresenta una nuova classe di materiali compositi ad alte prestazioni. Grazie a un nuovissimo formulato resinoso, le fibre di carbonio vengono impregnate con percentuali di resina più basse quasi del 30% rispetto ai materiali tradizionali.
Patented system, it avoids the rotation of sections round the rod axis and it makes the rings alignment along the spine perfect. The rod taper doesn’t show interruption.
Azione Provocata
N. Brevetto BO2007U000006
Technical evolution that allows to obtain the wished action of section without stratifying different materials that could create point of discontinuity and breakages.
Leggerissimo micro tessuto contenente nano particelle di materiale ceramico, perfettamente inglobato allo strato più esterno di carbonio, durante la fase di laminazione di ogni singolo elemento.
R-Grip Surface, un sistema di inserti in rilievo molto utile per riconoscere la fine della roubaisienne durante lo scivolamento in avanti e come superficie antiscivolo nelle canne da pesca.
Le canne contrassegnate da questo logo, sul fusto o sul catalogo, sono munite di preziosi passanti montati su leggerissimi e anti corrosione telai in titanio.
Acronym of High Progressive Modulus Carbon, HPM are carbon fibres with progressive release of power. Rods manufactured with this kind of material will guarantee high resistance and easy casting without equal.
Carbon Fiber
Hi-Flex identifies a new formulation of composite materials through which you get an increase in strength by as much as 35%. Products with this symbol are distinguished by high resistance to stress, durability and responsiveness.
Put-in tip section with only wrapped guides and no sliding; thanks to this innovation the weight can be reduced giving better action and cancelling breakages problems.
Moon Glow è un trattamento composto da vernici altamente fosforescenti e resine epossidiche, applicato per aumentare la visibilità della canna, creando dei veri e propri punti luminosi molto utili nella pesca notturna.
Put-in multi-tip system that allows to have the best sensitivity and power for facing all different needs of fishermen.
Innovative camouflage finishing present on all section of the rod. This look is extremely natural for those anglers that are fond of extreme camouflage.
Rod’s butt section with captivating laser engraving.
The introduction of this manufacturing process allowed to reduce butt diameter of roubaisienne keeping rigidity and balance unchanged.
During manufacturing process it has been obtained one area which increased diameter helps elastic coming out without applying any kind of bushing on roubaisienne top.
Salt Water Rods rods have been studied for sea-fishing, their components are suitable for this fishing style.
The profile of butt section with increased diameter as well as giving excellent qualities of balance and stiffness allows the housing of front sections of the rod during transport avoiding danger of breaking.
Comfortable coatings which guarantee a better grip and improve rod finishing.
Innovative surface finishing which prevents that line will stick to rod even when there’s a lot of humidity.
Travel Rods is a series of rods which volume is very reduced so they are very easy to carry.
Telescopic Handle
The butt of the fishing rod is equipped with a telescopic element that allows to fish at different length giving the chance to adapt to shifting fishing conditions.
The fishing rods marked with this logo are built following an innovative manufacturing process that allows to obtain a tubular semi-hollow blank, forepart with solid section. Characteristic that leads to higher sensitivity and resistance.
Pure carbon woven inserts coated with high transparency epoxy resin.
All Round Series identify all-purpose rods with excellent value pricing suitable both for beginners and for experts.